Insight where it matters

Prison X-ray mail contraband detection for correctional facilities

Drugs, alcohol, threats, mobiles and cigarettes are common contraband in prisons and correctional facilities.  The volume of narcotics behind bars has tripled in recent years.  Prison X-ray mail is essential in these establishments. 

Even the smallest items can be dangerous in the wrong hands.  Our x-ray mail screening systems are an ideal solution and fully meet the BSI’s PAS 97: 2021 mail screening and security specification.

Both our cabinet and conveyor prison x-ray mail scanning systems make identification simple.  They produce clear images that highlights material types using different colours.

Conveyor based mail and screening

AXIS™-CXi is a cabinet based x-ray system for screening mail, parcels and small baggage for potentially harmful items and contraband.

  • Large inspection chamber
  • Ideal for regular volume of mail and packages
  • Simple to use, easy to understand
  • Mail and baggage screening
  • High quality images
  • Highlights different materials
  • Easy with wheels for, repositioning
  • Powerful software aids identification
 Chamber based mail and screening

  • For fast, bulk mail and package throughput 
  • Powerful user-friendly software
  • Range of tunnel sizes
  • Scans mail, bags and packages
  • Highlights different materials
  • High quality images

To enquire click here

Drugs and contraband are often smuggled in via mail, packages and deliveries.  Innocent looking items such as a greeting cards, or child’s drawing can be used. Envelopes may conceal drug patches or have been soaked in illicit substances.

Our sub-millimetre xray image resolution and sophisticated image processing software enables checkpoint or prison staff to detect contraband with ease.

People try to hide contraband items in ways that fool conventional X-ray systems and operatives.  For example, they might “hide” contraband behind or inside something that blocks X-ray.  Our “Probe” function beats this. It peels away dense blocking layers on-screen to examine items hidden in or behind them.  It can even identify organic and inorganic material behind solid steel.  

Our x-ray contraband detection systems use our aviation-standard materials differentiation to highlight different materials in specific colours.  Metals are shown in blue, inorganic materials in green and organic in orange. 

Dedicated software significantly reduces the number of false positives or fake threats, such as unidentified “white-powders”. This speeds the flow of mail and packages both saving and reducing disruption.

To support our systems, we train correctional facility operatives.  We also run regular courses on training on contraband and detecting threats in mail. The courses include both theory and hands-on practical sessions. They teach users how to use prison X-ray mail screening to spot and identify contraband, threats and other items. These include prohibited items such as knives, guns, cameras, mobile phones, powders, drugs and liquids.

AXIS™-CXi Conveyor product information        AXIS™- Chamber product information

Download conveyor datasheet                          Download chamber datasheet

Watch a short movie  Conveyor                         Chamber

Watch a video interview with Vince Deery, 3DX-Ray sales and marketing director

Phone:  +44 (0) 1509 817400
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