
Videos &


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ThreatScan-AS1(ISC) Charging and Storage

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ThreatScan-AS1(ISC) Taking An Image

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ThreatScan-AS1(ISC) Mirror Image Syncing

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ThreatScan-AS1 Basic Set-up

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ThreatScan-LS3 system with robot – indoor threat

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ThreatScan-LS1 system with robot – outdoor threat

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ThreatScan-LS3 system for Detection of Suspect Devices

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ThreatScan-LS1 system for Border Control

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ThreatScan-LS1 system for EOD


Nuclear Waste Screening Case Study

Training Course Catalogue – Advanced X-Ray / Counter IED

ThreatScan systems for EOD

ThreatScan for vehicle inspection

ThreatScan systems for counter surveillance

What Are X-rays

Optimising X-ray Scanning Systems for Security

2D X-Ray Images

Catalytic Converter Inspection

Blister Pack Inspection

Battery Inspection

Service and Support