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X-ray threat detection for high security checkpoints and events

X-ray threat detection equipment is used to combat terrorist activities, security breaches, borders and high security or crowded places. The rapid deployment ability and high-quality real-time x-ray images enable quick, safe decision making.

ThreatScan® is an advanced family of highly portable hand carried units created specifically for bomb and threat detection.  Being lightweight they are ideal for rapid use in both high security situations such as airports and other mass transit hubs as well as  for public spaces, checkpoints, large and other venues. The system is already used by security forces from London to Singapore.

Designed to meet the terrorist threat through X-ray threat detection, the unit’s primary ability is to examine the inside of suspect packages that have been left unattended, checking for bombs, knives, guns or other threats. 

The ThreatScan® x-ray generator is placed in front of a suspect package with the detector just behind it, the operator then retires to a safe distance having spent just a minimum of time on-target.  The unit is remotely controlled and the images are viewed on a laptop PC. 

Amongst the many advantages of the system is that it produces the clearest-in-class images of any comparable system world-wide.  Its detailed X-ray threat detection results offer unprecedented clarity, making it a more effective and easier-to-use tool than conventional bomb detection equipment.  It includes an advanced materials’ differentiation ability to highlight different materials such as plastic explosives and the metal in guns and knives.

As a direct result, a package that the operator is unsure about must be considered as potential threats, but now these can often be safely identified – resulting in far fewer false identifications and less disruption.  The X-ray threat detection system can penetrate up to 34mm steel at 120kV, producing high quality, sub-millimetre resolution images.

This is especially important when dealing with possible bio-threats, where a controlled explosion could be disastrous.

ThreatScan®offers two detector sizes both can slip into narrow gaps behind suspect packages.  The entire X-ray threat detection system is remarkably light and portable with the x-ray generator weighing just 6.6kg and the larger detector panel weighing 5.5 kg including batteries and handles.

Designed to meet the modern security and terrorist threats, the 3DX-Ray Threatscan x-ray scanning range provides civil and specialist forces with the ability to examine the inside of suspect or unattended packages, checking for bombs, knives, guns and other threats.  The system can also be quickly set-up to target-screen baggage that is carried into an event. 

3DX-Ray’s security x-ray technology is already in use at mass transit venues and by government security services across the world.

Examples of modern-day EOD x-ray equipment include:-

  • ThreatScan® LS1 is a lightweight and portable. It has a large format (600mm x 460mm imaging area), and provides high resolution x-ray system

  • ThreatScan® LS3 with a 305mm x 256mm detector it is more compact and portable than LS1 yet provides the same high quality and resolution x-ray images

  • ThreatScan® LSC is a two detector sizes combination, portable, high resolution x-ray system